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Comité des citoyens de Rivière-des-Prairies–Pointe-aux-Trembles et de Sanimax

Dear community members,

As you may know, Sanimax’s daily activities are central to the circular economy of the Québec agri-food industry. For instance, by reusing organic matter from slaughterhouses, Sanimax links the last component of the production chain (slaughterhouses) to its first component (producers) and provides a new purpose for this matter, which is used for animal feed by millers, for example.

Rendering is an essential service, recognized by the Québec government, that contributes to the local production of valuable products for Québec industry and encourages the self-reliance of Québec’s food industry.

Since the beginning of the week, our team has been processing the matter we receive in an efficient and sustained way. We will be able to shut-down our weekly operations during the night of Saturday to Sunday.

The Sanimax Montreal team