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Friday, May 17, 2024, 5:00 PM

To all members of the RDP-PAT community,

In the spirit of keeping our community informed about the activities of our Montreal plant, Sanimax would like to inform you of the various works that will take place this weekend.

From May 18 to May 20, 2024

We are already expecting a first heatwave and are in constant communication with the City of Montreal. Our weather station predicts that the winds will be south-southeast, towards the industrial zone, thus limiting potential inconveniences for residential areas.

Moreover, it is important to note that we do not expect trucks or materials to be processed on Sunday and Monday, for the long weekend. However, we will start a series of maintenance work on Sunday to prepare the site to operate optimally during the summer heatwaves.

These maintenance measures are necessary to ensure better cohabitation with the neighbourhood throughout summer. This is part of implementing the tripartite agreement signed last March with the City of Montreal and the Government of Quebec.

This weekend’s operations include a power outage at the plant, which will stop air filtration for a few hours. Given the direction of the expected winds, we do not anticipate a major impact on residents’ quality of life near the plant.

Our teams are monitoring the situation continuously throughout the weekend.

We will keep you informed of any changes that may occur.

Why does heat make operations more complex?

The rise in temperatures can accelerate the degradation of the materials we process, during transport and until they are treated in the plant. This requires us to adjust our equipment to continue operating efficiently. We understand that this can cause inconvenience to the neighbourhood, and we want to assure you that we are doing everything possible to minimize the impacts.

Transitional Measures for Summer 2024

This summer, we are deploying a series of seasonal measures that will allow the completion of all the work planned in the tripartite agreement. The main points of the agreement are available here.

Here are some measures that are being implemented this month for the immediate neighbours of the plant, which will have a direct impact on good neighbourliness:

  • Starting in May and until October 1, 2024, Sanimax will have trucks and trailers filled with raw materials enter its site via 7th Street rather than the current entrance located on Maurice-Duplessis Boulevard.
  • During the summer period, the traffic of heavy trucks will be reduced near residential areas.
  • Throughout the summer, the average waiting time for trucks loaded with material on the site will be reduced to a maximum of 2 hours.
  • A sustainable development officer will also patrol the area to conduct studies and checks on the effectiveness of the devices in place throughout the summer.


We invite you to report directly any inconveniences or unusual situations you observe that may come from our activities. This allows us to verify the source and intervene quickly to correct the situation, if necessary.

We are listening to you and we commit to responding with attention and diligence.

  • Community Service: 514-648-1083

You can also get information by visiting our blog, joining our Facebook group or subscribing to our newsletter to consult the most up-to-date information on our operations.

Thank you.